Sunday, February 1, 2009

Remove our Messenger ID from the Other's Messenger List

Usually if we chat and find friends in Yahoo Messenger, we always add he or she to our messenger list, right? this is will help us to see when he or she online and when they are offline. so if we are online together we can chatting again.

But sometimes, we want remove he or she from our messenger list, just push DELETE on your keyboard and finish. but this way not automatically delete your id from your friend (who want you remove he or she's id) . so the effect of this way is he or she still can see when you online and offline.

now, you can use a software that can help you to remove your id from your friend too. like usual i will give to link for you download for free.

just click here


  1. Terima kasih info-nya, menarik untuk dicoba, sayang lagi jarang Y!M-an nih

  2. kang kips makasih ya..udah nepatin janji mau berkunjung, hehehe

  3. wah makasih udah mau mampir sambil nyempetin nulis kata2 di tmp saya...

    utl postingan satu ini... sangat bermanfaat banget nih buat di coba... itung 2 ngurangin musuh kan yahh trik satu ini??? heheheheh...
